Based on Leslie McDevitt’s acclaimed book series of the same name, Control Unleashed is a training program for students and dogs who are ready to strengthen their communication and connection around distractions. This class is a great fit for those planning to participate in dog sports like agility, but also for any handler of a young, easily distracted, impulsive and/or insecure dog. Emphasis is on handler focus, mutual communication between dog and handler, and the ability to recover a calm state after an exciting or stressful event. Through a series of progressive exercises and games, dogs are set up to cope calmly and stay connected when faced with compelling distractions. This a positive reinforcement-based clicker training class; food and toy rewards are utilized throughout the course.

To take Control Unleashed, it is assumed that the dog and handler have the equivalent of skills learned in Manners 1 and Manners 2 OR Puppy 1, Puppy 2 and Puppy 3. We expect that the dog and handler have fluency (one or two cues maximum) in the presence of a novel dog and novel human in a new environment with the following skills:

  1. Effective use and timing with a clicker

  2. Sit with release

  3. Down with release

  4. Stay (10 feet)

  5. Come (30 feet)

  6. Leash walking (15 steps continuous with a loose leash)

  7. Leave It (without "help" via leash pulling and/or body blocking by the handler)

  8. Go to Mat (send from 6 feet away with an automatic down and stay there until released)

control unleashed part 1

This class is for graduates of Puppy 3, Manners 2, Canine Good Citizen or with Instructor permission. Control Unleashed Part 1 lays a foundation of calm, focused connection between dog and handler using exercises such from Leslie’s McDevitt’s book: Control Unleashed: Reactive to Relaxed. Control Unleashed Part 1 teaches Take a Breath, default behavior, dismissal cue, mat work and pattern games including Up/Down, Ping-Pong, 2 Steps treat, 123 Walking, the Chair Game. Other exercises introduced include the Gimme a Break game, Look at That, chin rest and Off Switch. While we love and recommend reading Control Unleashed: Reactive to Relaxed by Leslie McDevitt, it is not required!

What to bring:

  • Your dog! Preferably a little hungry, and having been given a potty break prior to class.

  • Flat buckle collar, martingale collar, head halter, front-attaching harness (ex. Freedom or Balance harnesses) or body harness. Please no prong collars or slip/choke collars.

  • 6 foot nylon or leather leash. Please no flexi/retractable leashes.

  • Treat pouch. A fanny pack, climber’s chalk bag, or hardware apron will work well too!

  • Treats! At least two cups (I know, it’s a lot!) of pea-sized delicious treats. Your treats need to outcompete the environment, so hot dogs, ham and cheese will all work well.

  • A mat for your dog to do mat work exercises.

  • Toys! Is your dog a ball fanatic or does she love to tug? Toys can take training to a whole new level!

  • Optional:

    • A water bowl and water for your dog if you’d prefer not to share the communal bowls.

    • A chew or stuffed kong for your dog to chew during downtimes.

You MUST have instructor approval to sign up for Control Unleashed classes. Email us or schedule an assessment using the button above.

Day and Time Dates Instructor Location Price Register
Tuesday 4:45pm January 14, 21, 28, February 4 Ali Peace Kinship Arena $170.00 Register
Saturday 11:30am January 18, 25, February 1, 8 Jill Seward Kinship Arena $170.00 Register
Saturday 10:15am February 22, and March 1, 8, 15 Jill Seward Kinship Arena $170.00 Register

control unleashed part 2

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For graduates Control Unleashed Part 1, Control Unleashed Part 2 builds on exercises learned in CU Part 1 by introducing more movement and greater proximity between dogs in class in the context of pattern games and advanced mat work. CU Part 2 adds new skills such as using a chin rest for requested approach training (RAT), superbowls, parallel games, and advanced Leave It. CU Part 2 continues to emphasize mutual communication and connection between dog and handler, and the ability to recover after an exciting or stressful event.

Pre-requisite: Control Unleashed Part 1 or Instructor Permission.

You MUST have instructor approval to sign up for Control Unleashed classes.

Day and Time Dates Instructor Location Price Register
Tuesdays 4:45pm February 11, 18, 25 and March 4 Ali Peace Kinship Arena $170.00 Register
Saturday 11:30am February 22, and March 1, 8, 15 Jill Seward Kinship Arena $170.00 Register

control unleashed part 3

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CU Part 3 takes all the pattern games and exercises from previous classes and teaches dogs and handlers how to apply them to situations more like real life. Learn which pattern to use when, and how to seamlessly transition from one exercise to another in the moment. For the first 3 weeks of class, a novel helper dog is brought in as a distraction and students are coached on how to use their CU skills to help their dog stay calm and connected. For the 4th week, class meets at a local park to practice with challenges such as joggers, bikes, cars, cows, other dogs, and sometime elk! Pre-requisite: Control Unleashed 2 or Instructor Permission.

You MUST have instructor approval to sign up for Control Unleashed classes.

Saturday 11:30am December 14, 21 snd January 4, 11 Jill Seward Kinship Arena $170 Register
Saturday 10:15am January 18, 25, and February 1, 8 Jill Seward Kinship Arena $170 Register

control unleashed part 4: field trips


Control Unleashed Part 4: Field Trips takes the show on the road! Each week, class is held in a different location in or near North Bend. Students work on adapting to new people, the appearance of unknown dogs, things with wheels, noises, and whatever else the environment throws at us. Locations include Downtown North Bend, Downtown Snoqualmie, Downtown Issaquah, Tollgate Park, Issaquah Home Depot and others. Pre-requisite: Control Unleashed Part 3 or Instructor Permission.

You MUST have instructor approval to sign up for Control Unleashed classes.

Day and Time Dates Instructor Location Price Register
Drop In Various Dates Jill Seward Varies each week! $55.00 Register
Saturday 2:15pm September 14, 21, 28 and October 5 Jill Seward Varies each week! $170.00 Register
Saturday 2:15pm October 12, 19, 26 Jill Seward Varies each week! $127.50 Register

control unleashed part 4: Agility problem solving


CU Part 4: Agility Problem Solving teaches dog/handler agility teams how to apply Control Unleashed approaches to agility challenges. Does your dog bark incessantly during agility, have problems managing their arousal, have anxiety about the judge or ring crew, or shut down in competition? This class is for you! Learn how to stay connected and cooperating in the face of agility challenges. Pre-requisite: Control Unleashed Part 3 or Instructor Permission.

You MUST have instructor approval to sign up for Control Unleashed classes.

Day and Time Dates Instructor Location Price Register
Monday 2:45pm June 3, 10, 17, 24 Jill Seward Kinship Arena $170 Register
Monday 2:45pm July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Jill Seward Kinship Arena $212.50 Register